Wednesday, August 3, 2011

GenCon 2011 - Day 0

4:50 am
On the way to the Orlando Airport. Have to stop at Walgreens for video tapes first.

6:19 am
In the Long line at express check in. Seems most of the people ahead of me didn't read the sign that this line was for people who already had their boarding pass to drop off luggage.

6:28 am
In tsa line. Not too bad, except they wanted the guy ahead of me to put his laptop in a different bin than the rest of his stuff. Not good enough he took it out of the bag and put it on top.

6:46 am
Through security and on the train. Either I am really sleep deprived or this thing is shakier than normal.

6:53 am
At gate 90 boarding to occur at 7:05

7:22 am
They finally boarded our flight.

Taking the earlier one was so the right thing to do. There are like 20 people on the plane. The one 46 minutes later is full... A few people jumped ship from the 836 flight we are up to 41 people now.
Met a nice young man named Logan Rollin on the flight. He is a Magic and Warhammer 40K player, from Indiana, who works at Disney.

8:11 am
The clouds down below are white and fluffy. The layer above us, black and nasty.

10:19 am
The flight was a little rough, but not too bad. Baggage claimed. Just waiting for the 836 flight to arrive so we can all get in the limo.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Indianapolis Airport

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