Thursday, July 28, 2011

Gen Con Indy 2011 - Avoiding Con Crud

Con Crud - Slang term for that illness you always come home from a con with. It is inevitable when you pack lots of people into a small space with a recirculating air system such as a plane, cruise ship or convention center. People have many different ways of trying to minimize their risk of getting it.

1) Hand sanitizer. Some people bring this and use it constantly. Personally I don't believe in this one. Like too many antibiotics, it just leads to resistant strains. Also I think that most versions of Con Crud are airborne.

2) Eat well. Take time at the con to eat real meals. Consuming nothing but junk food will lower your resistance to getting sick.

3) Sleep. Yes you can power through the con on energy drinks. It will weaken your body and make it easier for you to get sick.

4) Increase your vitamin intake. Gen Con officially starts one week from today, so today I started my vitamin regimen. Extra everything from today until the day after I get home. It works for me. Before I started doing it I came home from every con sick. I no longer do.

Good luck and good gaming.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Palm Bay

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